As a loved one ages, their bodies do not work like they once did in their younger days. Their range of movement tends to become limited and their endurance begins to shorten. While these are normal changes that come with age, there are some changes that are not normal. Drastic changes in personality and mental capabilities are not normal in aging. These are some signs that may indicate there is something wrong. However, the family surrounding them may have a difficult time admitting that there is something wrong. To help you recognize there is a problem in your loved one, here are some signs to look out for: Disheveled Appearance - If your aging parent is someone who always had a clean appearance, and they begin to develop poor hygiene, it may be a sign that something is wrong. Unkempt hair, noticeable body odor, and untrimmed fingernails are indicators that they have not been taking care of themselves at home. If you notice these changes in their appearance, it may be time to cons...