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Showing posts from December, 2021

Elders and the Holidays

Photo by Tim Mossholder from Pexels The holidays can be a happy and stressful time for a lot of people. If you have noticed that your senior loved one gets stressed during the holiday season, consider taking a look at the advice that Visiting Angels Punta Gorda shares. One thing that many seniors often worry about is decorating. If your loved one worries about decorations, you can help them take things slow. In other words, you can try sitting down with your senior loved one to organize all their decorations. Then, you can help your loved one hang up the decorations they want around their home. For more information, you may visit how to keep the holidays simple and stress-free for aging relatives .

Managing Diabetes

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels If your senior loved one has recently been diagnosed with diabetes, you are probably worried. It is best to look into diabetes to learn as much information as you can. In the end, you are not sure what information could prove to be useful in the future. Visiting Angels Punta Gorda highlights fours tips that can help seniors manage their diabetes. One of the four tips is to eat healthy meals. Some foods can cause a spike in blood sugar levels, so those with diabetes need to be more aware of the food that they eat. You can encourage your loved one to eat healthier foods like Greek yogurt, lean meats, melon, berries, and so on. The food your loved one eats can make a big difference to their health. For more information, you may visit four tips to help older adults manage diabetes .