While it is mainly associated with older adults, a stroke can happen to anyone at any time. As the fifth leading cause of death and the leading cause of adult disability, experience a stroke not only affect’s the person who suffers from one but also their close friends and family. While the severity of a stroke differs from person to person, the road to recovery is difficult. If you have a loved one who has suffered from a stroke, it can be jarring to see them in a different state than you’re used to. To help, Visiting Angels Punta Gorda provides some insight on what you can do to support a loved one recover from a stroke . Active Listening Can Go a Long Way When one suffers a stroke, brain cells begin to die due to a lack of blood flow that contains nutrients and oxygen. Of those who survive a stroke more than likely will experience a loss in their cognitive and physical abilities. A typical symptom of a stroke is paralysis and trouble understanding speech. When you visit them ...