Image by stephenimage777 from Pixabay Do you have an idea of what you want your life to be like, when you are older and retired? Visiting Angels Punta Gorda discusses why seniors should be able to have choices and make decisions. Imagine this, you are in your sixties and you need help doing a couple things around your home. A caregiver is at your side to help you. However, the caregiver decides everything for you. You do not get decide what clothes you want to wear, what you want to eat, or what time you want to go to sleep. Everything is set for you. That all sounds pretty constricting, right? Well, that scenario you imagined is the reality of a lot of seniors. Many seniors do not get a say in how they want to spend their day, what they would like to eat, etc. The lack of choice can push seniors to withdraw from those around them. To read the whole article, you may visit The Beauty of Giving Seniors Choice .