Now that it is summer, the sun is stronger than ever. If you are outside for too long, you can be a victim to sunburn, heatstroke, or sun-related health conditions. Those over the age of 65 have a higher chance of suffering health problems relating to too much heat or sun exposure. Visiting Angels Punta Gorda is a senior care center that offers advice on how you can protect your elderly loved one from the sun’s rays.
The Importance of Sunscreen
The older that people get, the thinner their skin gets because of the decline of water and fat in their skin. The thinner their skin is, the more difficult it is to block UVA and UVB rays. So, sunscreen becomes increasingly more important as people age. There are a variety of sunscreens but the best one to block UVA and UVB rays would be any broad-spectrum sunscreen.Regardless of which sunscreen you choose for your loved one, make sure to apply it before leaving the house. It is recommended to apply sunscreen at least 15 minutes before heading outside; furthermore, it should be reapplied at least every 2 hours while you and your elderly loved one are still outside.
Cover Up from the Rays
When going outside make sure your aging loved one has protective clothes. Some examples of clothes include long sleeve shirts, pants, and a hat. You might be thinking, wouldn’t it be too hot to wear all that in the summer? Just make sure that your loved one’s clothes are made of breathable and moisture-wicking material and they should be comfortable.Visiting Angels recommends dressing your elderly loved one in protective clothes because it is the easiest way to shield them from the sun’s rays. There is no need to reapply a product, they will be able to relax in their clothes and shades.
Plan the Day Around the Sun
During the hot months, the best time to be outside would be early in the morning, as the sun is setting, or at night. When planning out you and your loved one’s activities for the day, make sure to consider what time of day you will be outside. The higher the sun is in the sky, the hotter it will be. If you want to spend some time outside, make sure to go out before or after the sun is at its peak in the sky.You and your aging loved one can spend some time indoors while the sun is at its strongest. You can watch a movie or play some games. Then when the sun is setting, feel free to head outside. The UVA and UVB rays will be weaker and the heat will also be less intense.
Remember to Stay Hydrated
Not only does our skin get thinner as we age, but our thirst sensation also dulls. Visiting Angels explains how your loved one might not realize that they are dehydrated because they do not feel thirsty. Make sure that your aging loved one is drinking the recommended 6-8 cups of water a day to combat the heat outside. Water will help with the heat; plus, it is great for their overall health.A Visiting Angels caregiver will happily protect your loved one from the sun and help them with the rest of their needs throughout the summer. Visiting Angels Punta Gorda is here to provide in-home assistance whenever you or your loved one need help.