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Showing posts from 2020

Eye Exams and Their Importance

Photo by Ksenia Chernaya from Pexels Time sneaks up on everyone. One day you might be in your early 30s and before you know it you are in your 60s. As you grow older, you need to be more aware of your health and take care of yourself. Believe it or not, your annual eye exam also becomes more important as the years go by. Visiting Angels Punta Gorda discusses why seniors should go to their annual eye exam appointment. When something is wrong with your health, would you rather know sooner or later? Most people would want to know sooner because things tend to get worse the longer that someone waits. Annual eye exams are great because they allow a professional to catch any health problems before they become serious. Depending on the eye exam that someone chooses, their eye doctor can dilute their eyes. Once the eyes are diluted, doctors can take a look at the condition of the eyes and make sure that everything is okay. In other words, eye exams can help you protect your overall health....

Help for Aging Parents

Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels Everyone handles aging differently. Some people will accept that they need help because their aging bodies are not the same as they used to be. Other people will not say anything until someone else brings it up. If you suspect that your aging loved one could benefit from a caregiver, take a look at the signs that Visiting Angels Punta Gorda shares. There are five signs that Visiting Angels Punta Gorda brings up. The first sign is a disheveled appearance. Take a look at your aging parents’ appearances. Have they been wearing the same clothes for a couple of days? Are they not showering? Are they brushing their teeth? If you notice that your parents are not keeping up with their personal hygiene, you can take that as a sign that your parents could need a helping hand. For more signs, you may visit five signs it’s time for more help .

The Conversation with Your Senior Loved One

Photo by Mathias Konrath on Unsplash Talking about death is never easy; however, there comes a time in which every family must discuss it. If you have been struggling to start the end-of-life conversation with your senior loved one, take a look at the helpful advice that Visiting Angels Punta Gorda shares. Before starting the conversation with your senior loved one, Visiting Angels Punta Gorda brings up how finding a good location to have the conversation might be helpful. Try to find a location in which you and your loved one can both feel comfortable in. Once you find a good location, you can approach the conversation in several manners. For instance, Visiting Angels Punta Gorda mentions how you can start off with an ice breaker. You can try asking your loved one if they have any thoughts about the future. To read the full article, you may visit Having the End of Life Conversation with Your Senior and Family .

Respite Care to the Rescue

Photo by Rémi Walle on Unsplash Family caregivers provide their aging loved ones with the support they need. A caregiver’s responsibilities vary depending on the kind of support their senior loved one needs; however, all family caregivers can benefit from a helping hand every once in a while. Visiting Angels Punta Gorda discusses how family caregivers can benefit from its respite care services. Yes, there are several advantages to respite care; but, before getting into those advantages, Visiting Angels Punta Gorda explains what respite care is. Basically, respite care is temporary care for a senior. Let us say that you cannot take care of your senior loved one for two days. You can rely on respite care services and hire a temporary professional caregiver for those two day. Once you return, you are once again your loved one’s caregiver. One of the benefits of respite care is the fact that you can rely on it when you need it. In other words, you do not need to have a particular r...

Deciding on an In-Home Caregiver

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels Has your aging loved one told you that they would like to age in place? If they have, you might be looking for an in-home caregiver to support your loved one as they age comfortably in place. Visiting Angels Punta Gorda breaks down how you can choose a great in-home caregiver to support your senior loved one. Before you meet up with caregivers, Visiting Angels Punta Gorda recommends making a list of your loved one’s needs. You can write down any medical, physical, and mental needs that your aging loved one needs help with. Once you have your list ready, you can begin your search. When talking to caregivers, make sure to have your list with you. Bring up the specific needs your loved one needs help with. It is important to ask the caregivers if they would be able to help your senior loved one with their specific needs. To read the whole article, you may visit 5 Simple Steps to Choosing an In-Home Caregiver .

Caregivers Protecting Their Backs

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels There are a lot of traits that a caregiver is expected to have, like patience, understanding, and physical strength. Physical strength is important when supporting seniors who can no longer support themselves physically. With all the physical work that caregivers do, they can wear out their backs. Visiting Angels Punta Gorda offers four tips that can help caregivers protect their backs. Caregivers have probably heard this before, but they should always remember to lift with their legs and not with their backs. If someone lifts with their back, they are putting all the pressure and weight on their back. At the end, their back ends up hurting because they were not lifting properly. Caregivers can save their backs by simply bending their legs and keeping their backs straight when lifting objects, or their clients. Furthermore, caregivers should keep the object close to them as they are lifting. The farther away the object is, the more difficul...

Home Care for Seniors with Dementia

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay  Caring for a senior with dementia can be difficult. Some seniors do not have a preference in where they would like to age, while others insist on aging in place. Visiting Angels Punta Gorda can help seniors who have been diagnosed with dementia age in the comfort of home. The number one benefit that comes with in home care is familiarity. When seniors get placed in a nursing home, they often feel out of place in the new environment. Seniors who get to age in their home feel more at peace; after all, they spent years in their home. A senior’s home has thousands of memories that can be comforting for someone who has dementia. Visiting Angels Punta Gorda helps seniors age in a place where they feel comfortable. Furthermore, nursing homes often assign multiple clients to one caregiver. Thus, seniors might not get the attention they need from a nursing home. On the other hand, Visiting Angels Punta Gorda allows seniors to receive personalized ...

The Elderly and Choice

Image by stephenimage777 from Pixabay  Do you have an idea of what you want your life to be like, when you are older and retired? Visiting Angels Punta Gorda discusses why seniors should be able to have choices and make decisions. Imagine this, you are in your sixties and you need help doing a couple things around your home. A caregiver is at your side to help you. However, the caregiver decides everything for you. You do not get decide what clothes you want to wear, what you want to eat, or what time you want to go to sleep. Everything is set for you. That all sounds pretty constricting, right? Well, that scenario you imagined is the reality of a lot of seniors. Many seniors do not get a say in how they want to spend their day, what they would like to eat, etc. The lack of choice can push seniors to withdraw from those around them. To read the whole article, you may visit The Beauty of Giving Seniors Choice .

Annual Eye Exams

Image by Paul Diaconu from Pixabay  Seniors are usually on top of their health when it comes to doctor appointments. However, annual eye exams are important for seniors too. Visiting Angels Punta Gorda explains why seniors should get annual eye exams. Eye problems can increase with age. While seniors cannot prevent vision decline all together, they can still make sure that they are doing everything they can to keep their eyes healthy. Someone’s prescription can change with each yearly eye exam. But the prescription is not the only thing that eye exams are good for. Visiting Angels Punta Gorda breaks down how eye exams are one of the few instances were a professional can take a good look at what is happening behind the scenes. An optometrist or ophthalmologist can take a close look at their patient’s eyes. A professional can make sure that a senior’s eyes are healthy. If a senior’s eyes are developing a condition, an optometrist or ophthalmologist might be able to do something t...

Plants for Seniors

Photo by Beatriz Moraes on Unsplash Seniors start to develop all kinds of hobbies as they get older. Caring for house plants can be considered a popular hobby.  Visiting Angels  Punta  Gorda  discusses the benefits of seniors owning house plants.   Having some plants at home can help with air purification. According to Visiting An gels Punta  Gorda ,  plants can  absorb  harmful air  toxins  released from fur nishing ,  cleaning products , and more. Once the plants absorb the  toxins , they can give ou t cleaner and fresh er  air. Plants also help reduce dust and allergens in the air.  Plant filled rooms have proven to contain 60% fewer airborne mold and bacteria  when compared to rooms without plants.   Now that you know some of the benefits  of owning  house plants, you might be wondering what  kind of  plants  you should  purchase for your elderly loved one. Visiting Ang...

3 Tips to Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

Photo by  Suresh Designer  on  Unsplash As you get older, you might find it more difficult to keep up with your diet.  Visiting Angels Punta Gord a  offers some tips to help seniors eat more fruits and vegetables at home.   These three tips are simple. First of all, you can try to  leave  more fruits and vegetables in plain sight of your loved one. Visiting Angels Punta  Gorda  mentions how people tend to eat  food that is readily available to them. In other words, if you place some fruit  or vegetables  on the kitchen counter, dining  room  table, or another  easy to  access  location, your aging loved one is more likely to eat it.    You can also purchase some precut vegetables and fruits for your  elderly  loved one. Your loved one could  struggle  to cut the food into bite-sized pieces, so having the food already cut up will make things easier for  them. ...

Memory Loss in Seniors

Photo by zhang kaiyv on Unsplash Have you noticed that your loved one has been  having  a difficult time remembering things? They could just be forgetting things, or they can be experiencing dementia.  Visiting Angels Punta Gorda  explains th e difference between  having bad memory  and dementia.    It is normal for people over the age of 65 to start and forget things more. But how do you know if your elderly loved one is forgetting too many things? Visiting Angels Punta  Gorda  brings up a couple of  ways  demen tia starts to appear. Losing track of time and dates is a red flag. Try asking your loved one ,   every  once  in a while ,  what day it is.  Also,  try asking them if they have any scheduled  appointments   coming  up. The appointments could be to visit the doctor or you can ask them about a birthday coming up. The appointment should just be something that your aging loved ...